Google Searches That Have Led To This Blog

Thursday, August 10, 2006

We have a stat tracker that allows us to see what google searches link to our blog. Here are a few of the best ones we've seen so far:

"Mao Zedong is a fag" - Below the belt Falun Gong, below the belt. I'd expect this from Taiwan, but not you.

"Play with my schlong" - I'm glad someone is searching for this. I'm even gladder that this blog comes up in that search.

"Ferrets skate snakes on a plane" - I don't even know...

"Christa Faust" - Author of Snakes On A Plane: The Novel - see Get This Motherfuckin' Book On Yo Motherfuckin' Shelf. I list this one only because I am absolutely convinced that this is Christa Faust googling herself, and that is fucking hilarious.


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